
Safety Precautions When Using Manganal Hangers

Safety Precautions When Using Manganal Hangers

Special caution must be observed when using Manganal hangers. Manganal hangers do not have the same elongation characteristics as conventional alloy J‐hooks. The same extreme hardness and abrasion resistance that makes Manganal hangers long lasting in blast conditions, reduces the...

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Roll Thread and Cut Thread Anchor Bolts for the Construction Industry

Anchor Bolt Threading Processes

When you need Anchor Bolts, we offer two different types of threading processes: Roll threading is a cold forming process where a blank having an outside diameter between the major and minor diameters of the finished thread is rolled between...

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How to Use “J” Hooks Properly - Whitelaw Rigging & Fabrication

How to Use “J” Hooks Properly

“J” hooks are one of the most useful lifting devices available. They can be custom made to work in almost any application or to lift almost any odd shaped or hard to lift object. When using “J” hooks, there are...

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Build Green or Sustainable? - Whitelaw Rigging & Fabrication

Build Green or Sustainable?

The terms Green and Sustainable have become major buzzwords in agriculture, manufacturing, building and architectural industries and are often used interchangeably. But, are they the same thing? And if not, what are the differences? The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of green...

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How to use "Build-a-Bolt" for Estimates - Whitelaw Rigging & Fabrication

How to use "Build-a-Bolt" for Estimates

Whitelaw Rigging is "Home for Custom Hoists, Rigging Supplies and Anchor Bolts." We are a short-run manufacturer of anchor bolts and rigging supplies and a supplier of custom lifting systems. The Custom part is what makes designing a web site challenging....

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How to Find the Right Hook Latch - Whitelaw Rigging & Fabrication

How to Find the Right Hook Latch

Hook latches are designed to help keep rigging and attachments in the hook, under slack conditions. Hook latches are not designed nor intended to support the load. I mention this because the term “safety latch” is often used when talking...

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Whitelaw Rigging and WiscoLift Unite - Whitelaw Rigging & Fabrication

Whitelaw Rigging and WiscoLift Unite

VALDERS AND GREENVILLE, WI (November 1, 2017) – Tom Miller, Owner and President of Whitelaw Rigging and Fabrication, Inc. and Rod Fisk, President of WiscoLift, Inc., jointly announce the sale of the business and assets of Whitelaw to WiscoLift. Whitelaw...

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